Rabu, 05 November 2008

Vampire Movies

We are speaking from Africa and this is according to an African's point of view .There has been a lot of myths about vampires since along time back into history.Alot has been said about this kind of people who are called vampires .In some parts of Africa ,they dance outside the house in the nights.Sometimes they deny people sleep at night by throwing stones on to the roofs of houses or doors .the rumor that they are cannibals has not yet been confirmed in other places or tribes neither has it been confirmed whether they are linked to reports by the police of cases of cannibalism .Most of them in Africa just enjoy scaring people in the night but they cause no harm .They find alot of fun in doing so.

Vampires ,according to the cinemas ,are a kind of people who move about in the night only and stay hidden in the day because if sunlight
shines on them ,they burst in to flames .They feed on other human beings blood and they do it by biting and sucking it .Ones someone has been biten ,he or she changes and becomes a vampire and according to rumors ,the changing process is not reversible and there's no known medicine for it.So, ones you have been infected ,you remain that way for the rest of your life .

Vampire cinemas are good and they have a lot of good to cinema fans
because they have made them to know a lot about vampires .They have brought them out of their ignorance and made them to know what is going on about vampires .It is hard to believe that this people do really exist but the cinemas have made people to understand that they exist by naming few of them in the open .Everybody in this world is looking forward to seeing a live vampire ,that could be the only way to proof that they really do exist to the doubting peopele.In africa no proof of that kind has been known.May one vampire step forward in to the open for us to see .Published: 2008-03-05
Author: john ambuli

The popularity of Harry Potter books

Harry Potter books are so popular

I think I might be the only person on the planet that does not own a Harry Potter book. Quite honestly, I am astounded by the popularity of the books, and I think that I might just be missing out on something really great. However, the great thing about books is that I have all the time in the world to get them and read through them on my own. I think I know in the back of my mind that I will, because I have not watched any of the movies. I want the experience to be fresh and new when I finally give in and start the series.

Children, teenager and adults likes them

I know many are fanatical about each and every Harry Potter book. That many people can not be wrong. It is not just teenagers and younger children who love the stories either. I have an adult friend who once lined up at midnight just to get her hands on one of the newer Harry Potter books. She didn’t do it for the last one, but I suspect that was because she was away from home at the time and didn’t want to do that in a strange neighborhood. She loves the books as much as any child that I have met.

Hardback and paperback

If you want to start out with the series, you should definitely find the very first Harry Potter book and go from there. If you can’t find hardback, you can probably find the early ones (at least) in paperback. Most books do a hardback run first, and then are later released in paperback. The latter version is usually less expensive. Those who don’t have a lot of money to spend on a Harry Potter book, or any other book for that matter, can always get what they want if they are willing to wait a bit for the paperback to come out.

Waiting to see the movies after reading the books

Until I go about looking for the first Harry Potter book, and then reading through the series, I have had to avoid many of the discussions online where people are talking about the books. If the series is really that good, I want to avoid those discussions as much as I want to avoid the movies. If you are like me, avoid them as well. If each Harry Potter book is as good as most think they are, I want each page to be a delicious surprise, and you should know you will enjoy the series more if you have the same mind set.Published: 2007-09-25
Author: Isabelle Chartrand


Life became a standstill, when the producers of the film Sivaji, announced its release. Not just in Tamil Nadu, but in all the cities where the film was releasing. From New York to Japan, India to South Africa, people fought to buy tickets for this movie. The superstar Rajnikanth, is the only actor in the history of world cinema who can draw the crowds to the theatre like a God.

Even the first family of Indian cinema the Bachchans, cannot do so. What makes this man such a phenomenon? We can forgive the fans for pouring litres of milk and beer on his cutouts, as the superstar is unbelievably down to earth. He calls himself a puppet, and says that the director made him the star of the film.

He just has to lift a finger or flip back his hair, and men and women alike have orgasms in the theatre seats. Besides the tickets being sold out for the first few weeks of its release, the audience in every theatre screamed and cheered throughout the entire movie. No one could even follow the dialogues well. But this did not matter.

This would give them a second chance to watch their beloved superstar on the silver screen. He stands out from other actors because he has a unique “style”, and just about anything he does become a rage amongst the young and old alike. This film had its share of hype in the media because the team was composed of all the big wigs of the Tamil film industry.

Second biggest South Indian director Shankar (right behind Maniratnam), musical genius A.R.Rahman, national award winner “Padmashri” Thota Tharani for production design, and national award winner K.V.Anand for cinematography, besides Anthony for editing and South India’s biggest production house AVM, made this film a once in a lifetime experience.

For a change in a Rajnikanth film, there was technical brilliance.

The story revolves around Sivaji, a software architect, who returns to India after a long stint in America. Having made a lot of money, he decides to invest in some foundations, hospitals and schools to cater to the needs of the poor, all free of cost. However he faces competition from another high network individual, who does not want him to complete the project because he would lose the investment from his own.

Sivaji walks up and down government offices, to get approvals for his project and even bribes them to get the job done. His opponent however helps change the minister in charge by pumping money into his camp. They pull down and destroy Sivaji’s almost completed project, and Sivaji is left penniless and is on the streets with his family.

He takes revenge by tracing his opponent’s black money accounts, and holds them ransom for a high price. He then begins to do the same with all the black money account holders in the country. He continues to build foundations across the state and offers free education and services to the poor.

He is taken into police custody, when his wife hands over his laptop with all the crucial information related to the money to the CBI. He is almost killed while in custody, but a few good souls get him out of the situation. He returns as Sivaji’s look alike friend to continue the man’s saga, to throw his enemies off his track.

There is absolutely no logic in the entire film, but the superstar carries it off with style and aplomb, you believe that it is possible for him to achieve what he does. With every step he took, and every dialogue he spoke, he sent the audience into frenzy. He also looked super cool with his new savvy get up.

What was the director thinking when he cast Shreya in the film? She has no role, and does not perform, but just pretends to act. Her expressions were totally artificial from the first frame to the last. Thankfully now, we appreciate comedians and Vivek is given a meaty role, which he of course delivers as expected, and he captures the audience’s hearts with some cheeky dialogues.

The superstar trying to woo a girl did not go down too well with the audience, as they only want people following him like lambs. Cinematography by K.V.Anand is exotic, and he has given us some beautiful frames, especially in the songs. This film was a great milestone in Thota Tharani’s career.

He delivers astounding creations on the sets, especially the songs. “Athiradee” and “Sahana” were of such sheer opulence, which of course reflected on his perfect architectural and creative sense. Editing by Anthony was crisp, and it lends good mileage to the loose screenplay. Speaking of screenplay, there was none in the first half.

Though the second half did pick up pace with meaning, the climax dragged. No one was even interested in the story, all they wanted was the superstar speaking and moving with style. A.R.Rahman proves that he is a genius once again, and he has composed some mind blowing numbers especially “Athiradee’ and “Style”. He has also given a dynamic background score, and this is also probably the reason why the superstar looks more charismatic.

The songs are stunning visually, with also very interesting choreography. “Athiradee” stands out for its class act. The crowd went crazy when the superstar arrived in a cool outfit, posture and bike. The gripping screenplay and dialogues that are normally a part of Shankar’s films, is missing here.

Sujatha does a fairly decent job with the dialogues, and many of the scenes are a repeat from the normal Tamil cinema category. The film belongs to the superstar all the way, and even the technical brilliance takes only the second place. He also calmly claims that while he is only the King of Indian cinema, Amitabh Bachchan is the emperor and that he does not know why the crowd follows him.

Now we know what makes him a superstar! Way to go “Boss”, way to go!

Watching a Rajnikanth film on a first day first show, is probably the most euphoric experience in the history of world cinema. Fire crackers, screams, whistles, dancing, jumping, shouting, complete madness…this mass hysteria makes your heart beat fast for the entire three hours of film time.

He has made “cool” the coolest word in English, and has made baldness, dark glasses and a thin lined beard a trend. The audience reaction to his name being spelt at the beginning, and also to the scene where he exits from a helicopter sporting the bad guy look, is going down in history as the greatest moment in cinema.

Tickets were sold out for the first three weeks in India, New York City, London, California, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and even Ireland! While Shah Rukh Khan can pull in about 60 crores to the box office from worldwide collections, and Amitabh Bachchan has now become a laughing stock for his dances with younger girls, the superstar collected a whopping 130 crores for his producers (complete distribution), just with his phenomenal screen presence.

The producers are now laughing all the way to the bank, and so are distributors and theatre owners worldwide. For those who just do not get the point, this is the biggest blockbuster in the history of Indian cinema, and there will be none to compete in a long time to come. Long time? Never…would probably be the right word.

Swarupa Pillaai
Copyright 2007

Published: 2007-08-23
Author: Swarupa Pillaai

I'm in love with online movie rental?

Have you tried the online movie rental service? Don't do it!! if you are like me you will get addict of it ;-)

Is it Friday yet? That day when you can come home, drop everything, and kick back on the sofa with a bag of chips. Okay, so maybe everyone doesn't do that, but you get the point. We all yearn for that relaxing day that comes at the end of each week. Those two days off look so wonderful in the near distance.

Can't you just hear the movie and taste the pizza? Yep, that's a pretty typical Friday night for many of us in this red, white and blue country. We simply love to kick back and relax with our loved ones before a flickering fireplace and a gargantuan TV. Oh, but wait; who rented the flick? You mean nobody rented the movie? Well that just ruins the whole thing. Hey, don't look at me; I certainly don't want to venture all the way over to that jam-packed video store in search of a new release. That can be deadly. Oh, well why didn't I just resort to the online movie rental concept? That's the only way to go in this day and age. Aren't computers grand?

Are you in love with online movie rental? Well, maybe that's just me, but you certainly have to appreciate the innovative concept. I mean, why didn't I come up with the online movie rental game? It's like that darn Paypal business. That should have been mine as well. The truth is if you're sick and tired of fighting the crowds just to rent a good movie, then you no longer have to. That's right; you can turn to the contemporary online movie rental process known as Netflix.

I have been taking advantage of this service for about a year now, and I simply love it. All I need is my trusty laptop and Internet connection. Within minutes I can have several movies on the way. Once you set up your online movie rental account with Netflix, it's as easy as browsing through titles. You click ADD on the ones you want. This adds the DVD to your rental list. You can even rearrange the order of your picks. This allows you to get certain ones you wish to see more, first. It's that easy. Being a movie nut myself, I have to say that I was a tad skeptical regarding the online movie rental selection, but I have to say it's great so far.

Virtually everything I'm looking for is available. And the best part is I receive the films in one or two business days. This makes it simple to prepare for the weekend ahead.

Do a quick search on internet for the online movie rental service near to you.
Published: 2006-07-31
Author: Eric Raymond

Film History Comes to Life at LVN Museum

In difficult times such as what our country is facing now, it is comforting that there are still a few places where a Filipino can be proud of his patrimony.

Sprawling lot

Nestled on the sprawling lot of LVN studios on P. Tuazon blvd. in Quezon City is the LVN Museum. Once inside the compound, the visitor has to inform the people at the front desk at the administration building of his purpose, or he can call beforehand and have his name registered so the security guard can let him through. There is an entrance fee of P30.

The museum is still housed in a one-storey building, but don’t be fooled because there is nothing simple about the facade or the front lawn. Both are colorfully decorated with bayonets, shields, coat of arms and old lighting equipment. It’s a prelude to what a visitor can expect to see inside the museum: more than two decades of film legacy!

Before I went to the museum, I read up on the history of LVN from a masteral dissertation of a university professor. I learned that the studio was established in 1938, shortly before the Second World War. The acronym LVN was taken from the first letter of the last names of its partners: Doña Narcisa Buencamino de Leon, Carmen Villongco and Eleuterio Navoa Sr.


It was closed down during the war and opened again after the Liberation until 1961, when it finally stopped producing movies. LVN Studios’ facilities were revitalized to cater to post-production needs of its clients.

The museum is packed with surprises. I call them that because from what I’ve learned from my edifying interview with its curator and founder, Bernard Fernandez, the pieces on display were salvaged from a neglected state in storage. A museum was never in the plan of LVN.

Fernandez said that the museum was created by a mere stroke of fate, with a little initiative from him. He recalled seeing boxes and boxes of old costumes and props stacked in a bodega more than 10 years ago. Then in 1989, he had a vacant lot—where old and rotting cars were piled up—leveled down and a sort of open structure was erected. He employed a hired hand and moved the salvaged boxes to that site.

Permanent display

It was during his birthday celebration that the idea of a permanent display was conceived. He was talking to the De Leons, and they recognized his effort and ordered the release of some money to begin the construction of a building to house the old costumes and props.

Having worked in the wardrobe department of LVN Studios since 1950, Fernandez has preserved the costumes quite remarkably. The colors are still bright, the lines distinct and the designs accurate. It’s a shame though that only a few are modeled by mannequins, such as costumes worn by Nida, Delia, Charito Solis and Manuel Conde.

Not equipped with modern means of preserving fabrics, Fernandez opts for naphthalene or mothballs, with an occasional sunning to dry out residual moisture and the fungi growth that accumulates. The air-conditioning helps to stabilize the temperature, the fluctuation of which can easily ruin delicate fabrics.


Aside from the costumes ranging from flamboyant evening gowns and ornate armored suits, the museum also boasts of photographs of the studio’s stars, like Mila del Sol and Lou Salvador Jr., which line the walls. More photographs of directors and those showcasing scenes from movies fill up the nooks and crannies of the place, along with a few old movie posters here and there. Props like street lamps, torches, spears, swords, shields, rifles and radios are also displayed. There is even a director’s chair which, according to the label, was Mike de Leon’s.

In the far end of the museum are old and bulky cameras which, from their size, must have been operated by two men a piece. At the opposite end is some sort of shrine which has come to look like it because of the way the statue of Pugo, a comedy character actor, is mounted at its center.

Fernandez also showed me the old Max Factor makeup kits which include a formula they used for fake blood which was more realistic than what makeup artists use today. There are also worn-out shoes and boots and rusty military insignias. Encased in a glass cabinet is Charito Solis’ elaborate jewelry which she used in her movies. They were personally delivered by Charito’s sister after the actress’ death.

But it’s not only Charito Solis who gave pieces for display at the museum. Nida Blanca and Delia Razon also donated some of their dresses and photographs, though both women prefer to keep their own collections, perhaps for sentimental reasons. In fact, Nida has boxes of costumes and albums of photographs in her library. In contrast, her onscreen dance partner, Nestor de Villa, has failed to preserve his own film souvenirs.


Museum curator Bernard Fernandez said that there are other potential acquisitions, but so far none has materialized yet. One is the life-size portrait of Leopoldo Salcedo done by an American painter. The painter was looking for an individual or an institution as the recipient, and the LVN Museum was one of those considered. But the plan was foiled by Salcedo’s death. Fernandez last saw the portrait at the star’s wake and didn’t dare ask for it, out of respect for the grieving family.

Another batch was made up of trunks of old stuff belonging to Rogelio de la Rosa, as promised by his wife. Unfortunately, Fernandez lost contact with her. Still another possible acquisition is the suitcase full of scripts currently in the possession of someone who worked as assistant director for actor-turned-director Gregorio Fernandez.

Such mementos are significant in the light of the growing trend among institutions to secure their place in society through rediscovering their own history by means of documentation and collection of artifacts.

Small place

With all these things in exhibit, one can only marvel how such a small place can hold so many pieces. Fernandez reveals that there are still more articles he wants to display but can’t due to lack of space. The need for a larger venue has been his main concern for sometime now. People who have visited the museum--film students, movie buffs, work shoppers and tourists--have expressed hope for a bigger place for such a unique museum. Fernandez says they should act fast, because at the age of 80, he is not getting any younger or stronger!

But in spite of the growing popularity and media coverage the museum has been enjoying, it has yet to be officially recognized by authorities. So far, as Fernandez said, the closest working relationship they have had with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts was when the NCCA borrowed Nida’s costumes for an exhibit.

The museum is also not yet featured in tourism brochures but the coverage of TV shows like "Balitang K," "City line," "Extra, Extra," "Knowledge Power" and "Wake-up Call" make better advertisements as these reach more people.

Video documentation

In return for the interviews, Fernandez asked for copies of the tapes for video documentation, which can prove valuable in the future.

To prove the museum’s gradual introduction to mainstream popular culture, Fernandez recalls that a multinational food and beverage company attempted to borrow numerous pieces they planned to exhibit at the Glorietta. He declined when he saw the long list of pieces to be borrowed. He was even more adamant when he learned that the pieces would be out of their home for a year. The obvious care Fernandez devotes to the pieces is understandable, considering that any damage done is irreparable as they are all original and have become priceless in their own right. He also admits that one of his driving forces in maintaining the integrity of the museum is his gratitude to Doña Sisang for taking him as her ward. He reminds me that last Oct. 29, they celebrated the 123rd birth anniversary of the LVN matriarch. Indeed, there can be no other greater gift than to preserve her legacy.

National treasure

It is not difficult to see that the LVN Museum has the potential of becoming a national treasure we could be proud of. As such, it needs the care and help of all concerned Filipinos, if we want it to be carried over to the future.

But don’t take my word for it, go visit LVN Museum and you’ll know what I mean. The museum is open Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
Published: 2006-04-15
Author: Royce Ambrocio

Giving up the Nine to Five Humdrum

Can you Change from Boring to Unique?

Boredom sets in, stress takes over, and more than anything else, you realize that there is no time for yourself anymore. Everyday is the same thing, day in and day out, but what do you do? Are you trapped in the endless cycle of work, work, work, but never making enough to put away nor get ahead just a little. Is your time being expending on the extra set of orders for revisions your boss just sat on your desk that have to be done by tomorrow morning? Is this something that seems all too common in your life? If so, you and only you have the power to change it. If you allow your fears to mark your path you'll never get to where you actually want to be. Giving up that nine to five can be the best thing you could do for yourself but you need to know what your plans are going to be afterwards.

Some dream of working from home, and that is possible. Just remember to research every alternative available before jumping in for that final swing. It might not be the homerun you thought it was going to be. Everything takes time and patience, and lets not forget initiative on the individuals' part. If you have computer access in your home then you have one foot in the door of changing your working lifestyle. Decide what you would really like to be doing. Perhaps you would enjoy starting up your own web business. Then look into it. Talk to people and communicate with those who are starting up internet businesses. Know the pro's and con's and get adjusted to the changes that you will have to endure. Maybe you want to earn a decent income writing articles or essays at home. Or perhaps, you would rather try and pitch ideas for local magazines or even further, global magazines. Then do it! Don't feel that some things are beyond your scope of reach, because anything is possible for anyone who is willing to go the extra mile.

What about that book you started writing two years ago but now is sitting atop a pile of other unread magazines gathering dust. Don't you think it is time to blow that thick film of debris away and begin serious work on a dream you keep putting off? Of course it is.

Don't get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of a nine to five job and forget that you have a life. Furthermore, don't let discouragement keep you locked away from doors that might hold the secrets to your future endeavors. You never know what might be waiting for you, unless you take the chance. Reach for your dreams and run with them!
Published: 2006-04-13
Author: Misty Keith

Is A Document Management System Necessary To Run Your Business?

If your business is booming or if you’re looking to start a new business, you may want to consider looking into a document management system.

Today as more and more free enterprises begin to emerge, document management is becoming a mandatory element of small businesses as well as large corporations. Most established companies are in the process of gradually switching over to completely automated structures.

Eric B. Heyer the senior vice president, CFO, and CTO for the American Bank of New Jersey, a rapidly growing, $430 million community bank said, "If there’s a fire and the building becomes a crater, we don’t lose critical records. And we provide better customer service because tellers can instantly pull up customer information at any branch." Heyer states, "As a small community bank, the great thing about this technology is that ten years ago it was so far out of reach we could
never have afforded it. Today it’s priced so that we can compete with the big boys."

It’s time to redefine your management system to reduce spending, improve business decision making through timely access to current documentation and enforce data integrity and confidentiality.

The Downside of Manual Paper Management Systems

The downside of manual paper management systems is as time goes on customer information, invoices, bank records, tax files etc. begin to take up lots of space. It can also be very time consuming when trying to retrieve files. Lost and misplaced files are among common problems that arise in the office setting. Last but not least privacy issues can arise when unauthorized personnel have easy access to confidential files.

The Basic Functions of Document Management:

  • Inputting/Scanning - converting hard copy documents into digital format for subsequent storage and management

  • Indexing - allows users to identify incoming documents allowing them to be retrieved at a later date (keyed information or Barcode Recognition)

  • Storage
  • - various components (storage sub-system) used to retrieve and store information managed by the system

  • Retrieval
  • - issuing a request that is processed by the server

  • Archiving
  • - moving documents into long-term storage

    Document Management Entails:

  • Batch Scanning - scanning large volumes of original documents for indexing into document and record management systems

  • Workflow - automation of daily activities or tasks used to run the business process

  • Document Routing Approval - documents can be sent to one user after another or several at a time

  • Print capture archiving - Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) stores and indexes pages onto optical disk, magnetic disk or magnetic tape as an alternative to paper printouts or microfilm

  • Correspondence management - ensures that incoming (scanned documents) is answered and outgoing (word processed documents) are stored

  • E-mail Archiving
  • - allows important e-mails to be selected and stored into a document management or records management system.

  • Content management
  • - usually refers to creation, management, distribution, publishing and discovery of corporate website or intranet

  • Digital Asset Management
  • - supports the storage, retrieval and re-use of digital objects within an organization, focused on multimedia resources like images, video and audio

    An efficient document imaging system will simplify the principles of document engineering and management. It should enable you to get organized without the hassle of paper files. It will allow you to import electronic files from your office programs and organize multiple desktops. You should be able to locate private and shared files almost instantly, limit or restrict certain information and be alerted of who and when someone is viewing or updating a document.

    Choose a system that will empower you to be performance-driven when writing, publishing and maintaining personnel management tasks such as customized employment policies and employee reviews.

    Source: Digital Publishing Systems

    Published: 2006-04-09
    Author: Treci Cauthen

    Georgia Aquarium America's New Hot Spot!

    Georgia Aquarium America’s New Hot Spot!
    By Treci Cauthen

    Have you made your 2006 vacation plans? You may want to add Atlanta, Georgia to your list of places to see.

    The incredible Georgia Aquarium said to be the largest in the world debut November 23, 2005. The aquarium was crafted to contain 8 million gallons of water and 100,000 fish as compared to Chicago’s Shed Aquarium which has 5 million gallons and approximately 20,000 fish.

    The aquarium claims to have the only whale shark display in North America. It is home to world’s largest fish which are a pair of juvenile whale sharks and 5 beluga whales that were rescued from an amusement park in Mexico.

    This project has done wonders in boosting Atlanta morale. They managed to draw more that 1 million visitors in the first 98 days and are looking forward to 3 million visitors for the year. Commenting on the success was Spurgeon Richardson, President and CEO of the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, “The product is unbelievable. It’s drawing many people downtown.” “When those people come downtown, they see the CNN Center and take that tour, they have dinner downtown, they walk around Centennial Olympic Park and see the Children’s Museum. All the numbers are up as it relates to downtown.” (MSNBC)

    Some are still skeptical over the achievement of the new aquarium, not quite sure if it can maintain these statistics. Is this just beginners luck? Executive Vice President of Shed Aquarium said, “good marketing also helped bring in visitors to the Georgia Aquarium.” “Only time will tell whether the Georgia Aquarium will be able to maintain those high attendance numbers and stay in the same league as Shedd and the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, which typically draw up to 2 million people each year.” (MSNBC)

    Other major Atlanta attractions to see are:

  • High Museum of Art - redesigned November 2005, originally the Atlanta Art Association founded in 1905. Possesses over 11,000 works of art in its permanent collection. Consists of a comprehensive anthology of 19th- and 20th-century American art, chief holdings of European paintings and decorative art, an elaborate collection of African American art, a blooming collection of modern and contemporary art and photography. Special events include Friday Jazz, Toddler Tuesdays and Thursdays to Lectures

  • “Inside CNN” studio tour - A 45-minute guided walking experience. They invite you to Take a journey through the history of journalism, uncover secrets about the news gathering process, discover exciting facts about CNN journalists and the coverage of events, and see actual CNN studios and newsrooms.

  • World of Coca Cola - A self guided tour of 4 galleries consisting of memorabilia and interactive video stations, Barnes Soda Fountain - demonstrating how early coca cola was prepared and served, original songs about Coca Cola, rebroadcasts of radio programs sponsored by the Company played on a original 1930's jukebox, musical film and international character of Coca-Cola in Stereo Surround sound and fifty years of commercials for Coca-Cola.

  • Whether or not Atlanta can continue to draw this massive crowd only time can tell. But one thing for sure while it lasts they will enjoy basking in the celebrity.

    Copyright © 2006 Affiliated Publishing
    Published: 2006-04-03
    Author: Treci Cauthen

    Big Danny ain’t losing the Blues

    “To be honest I’ve lived this rock and roll life out as far as I can, and at the moment I just wanna head to Texas for a while and catch up with the family, I ain’t quitting though, just taking a break.”

    The piercing afternoon sun has turned most of the pubs fixtures, and its patrons into mere shadows. Yet the form of Big Danny Gallagher is immediately recognisable as he sits comfortably at a table beside the counter. Many would describe Danny as a man in his late fifties sitting on a smokey stage with his old wooden National guitar resting on the knee, long hair tied back, matched by a beard of equal length, belting out his own descriptive vision, of bluesy orientated R&R, with a sometimes country flavour.

    Propped to his right is a most unusual large walking staff, which could easily have been used as a film prop for Lord of the Rings.

    “Man, I need this to get around now; the legs ain’t got it any more. A friend of mine called Stringbean Wheeler gave it to me, which I now call, Mo Cara (my friend).”

    Danny has enthralled audiences between the small clubs of Galway to the historic Gaiety theatre of Dublin, and has been based in Ireland for the last year and a half, but breaking his arm recently has curtailed his performing, and given him a new focus for the immediate future.

    “Next month I’m moving back to the states, and heading down to Texas, spend time with my kids and grandchildren, catch up on some reading and maybe even do a bit of fishing.

    “I’m gonna spend some time in New Jersey as well, its been a while, I want to catch up with old friends who I haven’t seen in a long time.”

    During the 70/80s,Danny was part of the famous New Jersey music shore scene.

    “Yeah, during the late 60’s, friends of mine had this apartment where they held parties, but the damn thing became so popular that they eventually turned it into a club. This was where I met the likes of Steven Van Zant, Southside Johnny, and Bruce Springsteen. We got to know Clarence Clemons later on. This became the start of the Jersey Shore scene for us.

    “I remember one night after Bruce moved into the house that a group of us were sharing, he played me a song he had just written called Rosalita, which eventually ended up on the album ‘The wild and the innocent’; he just had that something special.”

    In 1971 Bruce formed the band Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom, which included all the guys who hung out in the club.

    “It was crazy, some nights I’d just sit in the middle of the stage playing Craps on a monopoly board, while Springsteen and the rest of the band played on.

    “They were great times, I remember at night, Springsteen used to think it was hilarious to crawl around and tickle your feet, then pretend to be asleep as you woke up. A real prankster.

    “It was pure rock and roll. We’d finish a gig, crash for a few hours, then load the van back up at four in the morning, and head to the next show. Unfortunately things eventually turned sour between the bands manager and me, he was a real asshole, and he wanted me out.

    “Sure enough, I got the call from Springsteen, ‘You gotta go man.’
    Bruce always told me, he hated telling people they were sacked, and so the drummer always did it. I guess because we were friends, he felt he owed it to me to say it in person. I always admired him for that.

    “A few years later I met up with Bruce and the boys after a show, and I got the red carpet, the royal treatment. It was great, no hard feelings.

    “Around this time, I was entering a very strange period of my life, my wife was leaving me, and I was in real bad shape. I was playing the Blues in clubs and stuff. Bruce came to the show one night; he thought my voice was real good.

    “Eventually I left the New Jersey Shore scene during the middle 70’s and moved to Colorado for a while, and then on to Washington State, but came back to Jersey in the early 80’s.

    “Finally I just had enough, I just felt like the Ghosts were following me everywhere I went. That’s when I decided it was time for a break, time to get out. I thought that by coming to Ireland for a while I could leave the past.

    “As I walked out of Dublin airport, what’s the first thing I see; only a picture of Bruce and Clarence on a poster on Dublin bus, advertising their latest album, it was hilarious.

    “Do I keep in contact with the guys anymore? Nah, I’ve been out of that loop, for a while now; it was such a long time ago. Though it’s great to see that, Steven, Bruce, Clarence and Southside Johnny are doing so well.

    “And me, I’m just looking forward, to the next chapter.”
    Published: 2006-07-09
    Author: Joe Gogarty

    The 3m clear bra is a wonderful invention

    The 3m clear bra is a wonderful invention for any car-lover who treats his prized possession like a true friend. A man’s best friend is not always the family dog. Sometimes a car can take the place of a great pet and nothing hurts more than seeing that first scratch or dent on your favorite automobile. However, traditional protective bras are not the most attractive option for car owners who want to protect their investments.

    The problem with the traditional protective covering is simply due to the fact that it covers the magnificent machine. No real car enthusiast wants to hide his prized automobile under a rubbery surface. He doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on the perfect finish to cover it up with a protective layer. Unfortunately, many car owners had to choose between chips and scrapes or hiding the finish.

    Not anymore. A car enthusiast can opt for a 3m clear bra that protects the car by creating a colorless barrier between the car’s finish and the elements. The 3m clear bra is simply a protective film that is literally painted over the car’s exterior. This product is commonly used on trucks, cars and vans of vehicle owners who cringe at the thought of a pebble getting near their priceless object.

    The 3m clear bra is also used to protect headlights as well. The protective layer is commonly applied to the front of the vehicle and on the lenses of the headlights. The beauty of this material is that it is virtually undetectable. The original design of the vehicle is not changed in any way. The owner has the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the car is protected while having the luxury of enjoying his vehicle in its original state.

    Some may wonder if the product is really as effective as the traditional protective cover. The 3m clear bra will protect the vehicle from chipping. The material was originally designed to be used on aircraft propellers to protect them from chipping. Surely the material will be effective at preventing chipping on vehicles as well.

    Another concern is the quality of the clarity of the 3m clear bra. How clear is it, really? The manufacturer of the product boasts that the material is virtually undetectable unless the vehicle is very white in color. The clear coat is slightly visible on a stark white car when very close but it is not detectable from a distance. You will see a faint line where the 3m clear bra stops but that is better than an ugly bug shield or paint chips.
    Published: 2006-07-09
    Author: Eric Raymond

    Aerobics Dvd

    bought my first aerobics dvd 3 years ago, and have not used it since. I don't remember what it was called – I have since misplaced it somewhere in the back recesses of my home, and have not seen it in months, but I do remember some things about it. It was bright pink, and had some grinning guy in spandex and big hair on the cover, telling you to get thin. I thought that the aerobic dvd would motivate me to get my rear in shape, but it was not to be. Instead, my brand new aerobic dvd just decided to sit in the corner, gathering dust while I sat on the couch, growing fatter and less in shape.

    My second workout video was a step aerobics dvd, but it fared no better. I think I did try that particular aerobic dvd a couple of times, but to no avail. I just felt so silly sitting there at home, undulating along with a class on film who were not even in the room with me, pretending that I was doing something that was not completely ridiculous. I just could not make it a part of my routine. I had originally planned to start each day with the aerobic dvd and a shower, but when I would get out of bed in the morning, it was the last thing that I wanted to do.

    I have had three of four aerobic dvds since then and, to be honest with you, none of them have done the trick at all. It simply is not that fun to do aerobics by yourself in the living room, watching your aerobic dvd on the television. Nothing really happened to get me in shape from watching the aerobic dvd. Finally, I had to do what I had been dreading all along; I had to join a gym. Once I began to get my exercise from aerobics classes and not an aerobic dvd, it suddenly became so much easier to stick with the program. The classes got me out of my house, and the people in them were so encouraging, that I just could not help myself. Almost immediately, I was hooked on taking exercise classes to get in shape. It was like you could not get me away from them. Meanwhile, every aerobic dvd I have ever owned quietly gathers dust in the house of a newer, fitter me.Published: 2006-07-10
    Author: Eric Raymond